"Check-Up from the Neck-Up" By Richard Winters

By Weaver Leather  •   2 minute read

"Check-Up from the Neck-Up" By Richard Winters

I have had the privilege of being a full-time Horse Trainer and Horsemanship Clinician for over 30 years. Notice I used the word “Privilege.”

There are a few things that I do that look somewhat glamorous: Presenting in front of thousands of people at a Horse Expo. Teaching a clinic for a group of enthusiastic riders or showing and competing in a Cow Horse event. Then there are a few things that are a little less glamorous: Driving all night to arrive at the next venue. Unloading and setting up a trade show booth. Mucking out the trailer and cleaning my own stalls. These are just a few things that I do to make a living.

Once in a while I need to give myself a Check-Up from the Neck-Up”. Sometimes I need to remind myself to have an “Attitude of Gratitude”. Of the thousands of people that attend any given Horse Expo, 99% can only dream of getting to do what I have the privilege of doing every day. Many people love horses just as much as I do but have never seen an opportunity to make it a vocation or be gainfully employed in the horse industry. Most of these people work at jobs all week long so they can go out and enjoy their horses on the weekend. I get to do it every day! And people pay me to do it!

So yes. I am blessed. It’s a privilege for me to do what I do. I never want to forget this concept.

Whoops. Gotta go. I think my horse just knocked over his water bucket and flooded his stall. Pretty glamorous!

Written by Weaver Leather Prostaff Trainer and Clinician, Richard Winters of Richard Winters Horsemanship

Check out Richard Winters on Facebook or his website at www.wintersranch.com

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